Big Science 3


Category: Science

Student Book Pages: 111  pages  

Workbook : None

Audio Files: None

Price: $1.25

File Type: PDF Files

ISBN: 9781292144504


Book Description: 

With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways. They will ask questions, gather information, test ideas, and record their findings. In no time, your students will be thinking like young scientists!

Highlights: a communicative, inquiry-based science course for Primary English Language Learners

uses the 5E teaching sequence encouraging learners to discover new ideas, test what they mean and evaluate their understanding of concepts

combines a rich variety of content (print, audio, video) with inquiry-based activities, ensuring students are engaged and motivated

Building student confidence

Students of Big Science will think deeply about topics, will work in teams, will research concepts to confirm understanding and will communicate their findings. These scientific practices are also skills for life that give students the confidence they need to handle the challenges of our changing world.

Critical thinking & problem solving: Big Science asks Big Questions to cultivate critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Published by:  Pearson

Availability: eBook DOWNLOAD in PDF files.

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