Category: Reading
Book Pages: 24 pages
ISBN: 9781562826406
Audio Files: None
File Format: PDF files
Price: $0.41
Read it .yonnelf is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading.
Level 2 is for children who are familiar with some simple words and can read short sentences. Each story in this level contains frequently repeated phrases, which help children to read more fluently.
About this book
The story is told in a way which uses regular repetition of the main words and phrases. This enables children to recognise the words more and more easily as they progress through the book. An adult can help them to do this by pointing at the first letter of each word, and sometimes making the sound that the letter makes. Children will probably need less help as the story progresses.
Beginner readers need plenty of lielp and eneouragement.
Read it yourself Level 2
• Simple sentences and vocabulary • Clear type • Exciting illustrations closely matched to the story • Engaging and entertaining characters
Distributed by: Disney
Availability: eBook DOWNLOABLE (PDF Files), World Wide
Price: ₩500 (Korean Won)